
Importance of Voice Awareness Training for Teachers 

Effective communication is key to successful teaching. Voice awareness training can help educators speak more clearly, prevent vocal strain and improve their ability to engage with students. Yet, very few providers are able to offer voice awareness training for their (future) staff. With our work, we are hoping to provide teachers and those training to become teachers an opportunity to easily learn more about this important topic.  

What is Voice Awareness Training? 

Our voice awareness training allows teachers to learn more about the effects of voice in the classroom both from a theoretical and practical perspective. The training is based on our past work in which we have investigated the effects of voice with a range of methodologies including neuro-scientific tools such as EEG or eye-tracking. Our set of exercises and techniques are designed to help teachers develop a healthier and more effective speaking voice while educating them on which voice patterns pupils respond to best. 


The outcomes of this training include better reception, engagement, and participation of pupils  in the classroom. 

How can Voice Awareness Training Improve Teaching Effectiveness? 

Learning more about the anatomy of voice and how vocal production works will help teachers with: 

  • Clarity of speech: Reducing speaking fatigue, increasing durability, and improving speech clarity so that students will better understand a teacher’s message. 
  • Effective communication: Improving vocal pitch, volume, pace and voice quality will help teachers use their voice for better communication. 
  • Teacher’s confidence: With improved voice modulation, teachers will feel more confident in different teaching scenarios including managing classroom behaviour. 

Learning more about the way voices affect others such as the effects of shouting or using supportive voice cues will help teachers: 

  • Understand which voice patterns are best suited for which situations 
  • Develop strategies on how to talk to students for different tasks 
  • Appreciate how to use their voice to good effect 

Student Benefits 

Effective classroom communication will improve engagement and participation, better understanding of materials, and improve their well-being. . 

Common Voice Issues and How to Address Them Vocal Strain 

  • Overuse of vocal cords, speaking loudly or for an extended period. Solutions include hydration, avoiding caffeine, and breathing exercises. 
  • Ineffective posture slouching or excessive motion when speaking. Solutions include proper body alignment and basic stretching practices on a daily basis. 
  • Mouth and tongue tension; excessive jaw/tongue tension from stress or anxiety. Solutions include relaxation exercises or massages 

Practical Exercises and Techniques for Voice Improvement 

  • Intentional Yawning: To warm up your throat and activate your vocal cords, try yawning intentionally for 10-15 minutes of the day. It will help avoid straining your voice. 
  • Deep breathing and relaxation: Take 3 slow deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, hold the breath, release all of your tension and repeat a few times.  
  • Humming: Humming is a great way to warm up your voice and practice good vocal technique. It helps increase breath work and proper support for a healthy sound.